Funded by Johnson Matthey’s Science and Me programme
Questions Answered by Sahra
Where do babies come from?
by Viking1 to Matthew, Candace, Jenn, Sahra, Sharon
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If were stranded on an island with one other scientist on this website, who would you want it to be!
by Viking1 to Sharon, Sahra, Matthew, Jenn, Candace
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Do you know how an insects mutates into a different bug, as in a super bug?
by abigail&marisol to Sharon, Sahra
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Would you like to work in any other area of science or math?
by Trinity to Candace, Jenn, Matthew, Sahra, Sharon
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What school did you go to?
by 947gnmc32 to Candace, Jenn, Matthew, Sahra, Sharon
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Where did you learn to tell jokes?
by Viking4 to Candace, Jenn, Matthew, Sahra, Sharon
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Why do schools not teach us the things we will actually need to use in life? Like how to pay tax, and get a job.
by VIKING2 to Sharon, Sahra, Matthew, Jenn, Candace
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how does a normal cell transform into a cancerous cell ?
by Leslie / Victoria to Sharon, Sahra
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Can males give birth?
by Viking1 to Sharon, Sahra, Matthew, Jenn, Candace
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what skills benefit your job?
by Pedro to Candace, Jenn, Matthew, Sahra, Sharon
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Recent Comments
And the winner is… (1 comment)
Beatles or Rolling Stones? Because lets face it, this is really important. (1 comment)
Do you experiment with genetic mutations? (1 comment)
How do you plan to cure cancer? :) (2 comments)
What is your favorite part of your job? (1 comment)