Thank you from your winner – Jennifer!

Hey all!Jennifer H

Thank you so much to all the teachers and students that participated in “I’m a Scientist”!  Thank you also to the other scientists- I really enjoyed hearing about your work.  I fully expected to hear I was eliminated every day because each of you was so great! I also want to thank Tristan and the “I’m a Scientist” team as well for their hard work and Genentech and Human Longevity for their support!

I really had no idea what to expect from the students- and I was blown away! Their knowledge and interest was incredible and they gave us such a broad range of questions. The ability to do the live chats really allowed us to engage with the students.  At the end of every live chat I found myself hoping that it could continue! The “ASK” aspect of “I’m a scientist” really helped to continue our discussions with students outside of the live chat.  I liked reading the questions and answers from the other scientists too because we all have such diverse research.

Sometimes when we’re working on research day in and day out it’s good to step back and talk about the reasons we went into science.  This experience has only made me more excited about the work we do in our lab as well as engaging more with the public about science and what is happening inside our research world.  I’m so excited to go talk to the small schools where I was raised and spread the word about how awesome science is!

To all the students I really hope you continue asking questions and learning about science.  Even if you don’t become a scientist that curiosity and passion is great for any career! From the bottom of my heart thank you so much to everyone- this is an experience I will cherish forever!




Posted on March 20, 2017 by modemily in News. Leave a comment

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