Funded by Johnson Matthey’s Science and Me programme
What is your favorite video game.
by Josh and 1 other. to Matthew, Sahra
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Did you like school
by Josh to Matthew
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What would you like to discover?
by 727gnmc22 and 1 other. to Matthew, Sharon, Sahra, Jenn, Candace
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Currently what are you working on and what does it do or how does it help.
by Lila and 1 other. to Candace, Jenn, Matthew, Sahra, Sharon
Comments: (So far, one comment )
Do you have pets.
by Josh and 3 others. to Matthew, Candace, Sahra, Jenn, Sharon
Comments: (so far, 5s comments )
Have you found any new diseases just wanting to know because I don’t want to get sick.
by explosionman to Matthew
Comments: (So far, one comment )
Is tech your favorite thing in science or no?
by lana to Matthew
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What is your favorite part of your job?
by Lila and 2 others. to Candace, Jenn, Matthew, Sahra, Sharon
Comments: (So far, one comment )
How many brains have you scanned? :)
by Waffles to Candace
Comments: (No comments so far )
What made you interested to do the job you have now?
by Meghan to Candace
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Recent Comments
And the winner is… (1 comment)
Beatles or Rolling Stones? Because lets face it, this is really important. (1 comment)
Do you experiment with genetic mutations? (1 comment)
How do you plan to cure cancer? :) (2 comments)
What is your favorite part of your job? (1 comment)