• Question: What plant grows the fastest in the world and witch one grows slowest?

    Asked by Madison Lee to Sahra on 3 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Sahra Uygun

      Sahra Uygun answered on 3 Mar 2017:

      Wow thanks for this question, I actually learned about this now. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant. Apparently, the root spreads itself making bamboo very easy to re-plant. Puya raimondii (a relative of pineapple) is the slowest growing plant. They are both in Guinness World Records!
      Also, the speed of the growth would be dependent on the environment that that plant is adapted to. For example, if you take the bamboo from its natural environment and try to grow in another region, it might not like the conditions there (such as light intensity, soil content, etc). So these conditions might need to be adjusted according to plant’s needs.
