• Question: How much money do you make per year( after taxs and insurance)

    Asked by CreamyGorilla to Sahra, Matthew on 8 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Matthew Bainbridge

      Matthew Bainbridge answered on 8 Mar 2017:

      I make pretty good money right now. I know some scientists that make >$600K/year. But they generally do administrative work (deans and such) — Mostly in science you make not a lot of money for a very long time. If you want to make money go into business — if you want to do science and make money, get a PhD, THEN go into business.

    • Photo: Sahra Uygun

      Sahra Uygun answered on 8 Mar 2017:

      Graduate students make 20-30K/year and postdocs in universities make around 47-55K/year (at least from what I know around me). It might have slight differences according to the university and department. In research institutes, government and industry the number is probably a lot higher.

      I agree with Matthew: “If you want to make money go into business — if you want to do science and make money, get a PhD, THEN go into business.” 🙂
